Welcome to SketShDb!

SketShDb - what is it?

What does "SketShDb" stand for?

"SketShDb" is the combined form of SKETch, SHare and DataBase: Sketch your own database and share it with your familiy, friends or colleagues!

Don't limit yourself to specialized apps. Use SketShDb to fit your needs!

The only thing we need to know before you can get started is a valid email address. You email address will solely be used to send important notices concerning our app or services to you and will of course not be passed on except for that reason. Your email-address will not be stored in SketShDb projects (unless explicitly entered in a form) and will not be shown to any user. Therefore, a user-id identifying your user account is generated when registering and you are able to register one or more nicknames for your user account and choose which one to use for each project. Except when registering, generating new nicknames for your account or sending push messages the app does not communicate with our servers. For more details see registration and privacy

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