SketShDb URL-Scheme

By calling an URL the SketShDb App can be started executing special tasks after PIN entry/TouchID/FaceID. This enables you to link directly into your projects e.g. from different apps.

Currenlty, these actions can be called directly via URL:

Open the "Log" view


Open a custom view inside a project


Parameters: Name Description
project Name of the project that owns the view to show. Note: The action might not work reliably if there are multiple projects with the same name!
view Name of the view to show.

Show empty form for custom type


Will show the entry form configured for the given view. (as if the "+" button was pressed within this view)

Parameters: Name Description
project Name of the project that owns the view and type to show. Note: The action might not work reliably if there are multiple projects with the same name!
view Name of the view the configuration is taken from.

Navigate to or open a specific documents


Parameters: Name Description
project Name of the project that owns the view and type to show. Note: The action might not work reliably if there are multiple projects with the same name!
view Name of the view the configuration is taken from.
documentId ID of the document to show / navigat to. (The ID of a document is not shown within the app, however, the document ID can for example be seen on replicated servers.)
edit If the "edit" parameter is not provided, the app only navigates to the entry within the given view. If "edit" is provided in the URL, the edit form will open for the given document.

Execute configured "Project button / Shortcut" event


Parameters: Name Description
project Name of the project that owns the event. Note: The action might not work reliably if there are multiple projects with the same name!
event Name of the event, which must be of type "Project button / Siri shortcut". If there are more than one events with the same name, all of them will get executed.
paramX=stringValue Any number of additional parameters can be submitted. To enable processing of custom parameters within the event, declare those parameters as string/text variables using "declareVariable()".